10:00 AM10:00

Retreat Day (Lammas)

Visitors invited to join us for the day, light lunch will be provided, donations (Dana)* welcome. The day will include relaxation, meditation, some group reflection and a mindful activity. 

Please join us for some peace, thoughtfulness and gentleness.

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10:00 AM10:00

Retreat Day (Spring Equinox)

Visitors are invited to join us for the day, light lunch will be provided, donations (Dana)* welcome. The focus of the day will be on ‘stillness in nature’, and will include relaxation, meditation, some group reflection and a mindful activity. 

Please join us for some peace, thoughtfulness and gentleness.

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3:00 PM15:00

Afternoon Tea and Imbolc Celebration

Please join us for afternoon tea, meet the residents and have a tour of Threshold. A contribution to tea (e.g. cake) is always welcomed!

Imbolc is a festival, usually held on 1st or 2nd of Feb, to mark the beginning of Spring. Our celebration will be a short meditation and fire circle after our Open Afternoon Tea; any visitors are welcome to stay on.

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to Nov 24

Autumn Retreat

The Autumn Retreat offers an opportunity for a small group to come together, slow down, and enjoy the autumn, with some time outside when weather permits and round a cosy fire at other times. There will be time for reflection, alone and in groups, and share meditation. There will be vegetarian food to enjoy, and help in the preparation if you wish. The workshop starts with supper on Friday 22nd November and finishes after lunch on Sunday 24th. We will fine tune the programme together to meet participants needs, and we expect it will include a Dance of Universal Peace and some shared music. There is no fee for the weekend but donations to help cover food and accommodation etc are welcome. For further information and booking form, please contact Michael .

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to Oct 20

Garden/Work Weekend

Visitors are invited to arrive on Friday evening in time for dinner at 7 pm and leave Sunday after lunch. All food and accommodation provided (Donation of £50 requested for the weekend to cover costs). If you are interested, scroll down to “Book for an Event” at the bottom of the page, to get the booking form.

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to Sep 22

Harvest/Equinox Celebration

Visitors are invited to arrive on Friday evening in time for dinner at 7 pm and leave Sunday after lunch. All food and accommodation provided (Donation of £50 requested for the weekend to cover costs). Details of the Harvest/Equinox Celebration will be added closer to the time.

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10:00 AM10:00

Permaculture at Threshold

In Permaculture at Threshold we will explore how the permaculture design principles can be applied to the land, to community and to well-being, and how this has evolved at the centre over the years. This is a one day course, however participants are welcome to stay at the centre in our farmhouse guest accommodation. For more info look here.

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to Apr 22

Spring Retreat

This is the sixth year of our Spring Retreat. It provides an opportunity to spend some time in beautiful countryside, and reflect on the past, the present and plan for the future. For more information look here.

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